FEB 14 LOVE/HATE VALENTINE’S DAY Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 9pm, live music. 336-570-1050
FEB 15 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD CHILI COOK-OFF & BIKE NIGHT Seven Sabres Clubhouse, 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, Chili entry is free, $10/to eat & judge, prizes. Arlene Mabry, 919-422-7234
FEB 15 ROLLING THUNDER INC 23RD ANNUAL “CHILLY” CHILI POKER RUN Lejune Motorsports, 955 Lejune Blvd., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 9am, $10/hand, $15/2 hands, $20/3hands & free shirt while supplies last. Cash prizes, door prizes, 50/50, auction, free food & drink for rider. Benefits Veterans & POW/MIA Issues & SSGT Anthony L. Goodwin Memorial Scholarship fund for Veteran’s Dependent Children. Bryan, 910-526-4309 or Joe, 910-545-0260
FEB 15 AXE YOUR EX BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-4pm, Mobile Axe Trailer, food truck, free beer & champagne served by the Bulldog Babes. 919-938-1592, www.bulldogharleydavidson.com
FEB 15 CHRIS TUCKER BENEFIT Blood by Fire MC Club House, 482 Cemetery Rd., Ware Shoals, SC. 7pm, $10/door charge, live music, 50/50, food & drinks avail.
FEB 21-22 STUDS OF STEEL The Masters Gentlemen’s Club, 1901 Mr. Joe white Ave., Myrtle Beach, SC. Get your tickets at www.studsofsteel.com
FEB 22 LUCKY’S SALOON BIKE SHOW 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 336-570-1050
FEB 22 CROSSROADS HARLEY-DAVIDSON CHILI COOKOFF 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. 11am-3pm, $5/donation to taste & vote. 336-667-1003, www.crossroads-hd.com
FEB 22 RIDES & RIBS BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-4pm, BBQ avail., Bulldog Babes serving free beer. 919-938-1592, www.bulldogharleydavidson.com
FEB 22 CHILI COOKOFF Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Free entry, set up 11am, taste & vote 12pm, $5/chili tasting, cash prizes. www.outerbankshd.com, 252-338-8866
FEB 22 CVMA SC 34 ICE TICLE RIDE Voodoo Brewing Co., 3453 US-17 Bus., Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 8am, KSU 12pm, $25/rider, $10/passenger incl all you can eat breakfast. Raffles, auction, vendors. Benefits SC Auxiliary Scholarship.
FEB 22-23 MAVERICK RADIO BIKE SHOW Holly Hill Mall, 309 Huffman Mill Rd., Burlington, NC. Hosted by Bikers for Alamance Co. Benefits Hospice of Alamance Co.
FEB 23 LAKE LURE-CHIMNEY ROCK RELIEF RIDE Lastrada Restaurant, 2693 Memorial Hwy, Lake Lure, NC. 2pm, cash donation. Benefits The Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach of Lake Lure.
FEB 23 2ND ANNUAL POLAR PLUNGE CHARITY RIDE Low Country Harley-Davidson, 4707 Dorchester Rd., North Charleston, SC. Pre-reg 10am, check in 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger, plunge 2:30pm. Benefits Low Country Veterans. www.lowcountryharley.com, 843-554-1847
FEB 25 DIXIE THUNDER ABATE POLAR BEAR RIDE 793 Belvedere Clearwater Rd., North Augusta, SC. KSU 12pm. www.abateofsc.org, dixiethunderaikenabate@gmail.com
MAR 1 9TH ANNUAL BOOK RUN Barnes & Nobles 3040 Evans St. Greenville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am. Bring 2 K-5 books per bike. Blessing of the bikes, lunch. Barry Wood bcwood.2020@outlook.com
MAR 2 PREACHER'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Freedom Biker Church 669 Tarheel Rd, Benson NC. 10a-1p Coffee, Donut & Food Trucks.
MAR 15 14TH ANNUAL CBA CHILI COOK-OFF Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-5pm, $10/contestant fee, $5/all you can eat judging fee, $1/extra vote, 50/50, prizes. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, Gena, 336-963-3438
MAR 15 CHILI THROWDOWN Freedom Biker Church 669 Tarheel Rd, Benson NC. People's Choice wins a $500 Sheetz gift card! info@freedombikerchurch.com 919.550.3733
MAR 15 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BBQ PLATE SALE & BIKE NIGHT Seven Sabres Clubhouse, 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 6pm, food avail. Arlene Mabry, 919-422-7234
MAR 22 TRIAD HONOR FLIGHT FUNDRAISER Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC.
MAR 22 HTNJOCO 1ST ANNUAL MEMORIAL RUN FOR JOE WAGNER Plan B Bar, 519 W. Market St., Smithfield, NC. 9am. Memorial ride, live music, benefits Joe’s family and families in need. Betsy, 919-500-6475 or Scott, 919-437-3698
MAR 22 3RD ANNUAL RIDE FOR THE SOUL Beaver’s Den, 3482 John G. Richards Rd., Liberty Hill, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, event 11am-6pm. $20/single incl entry & food ticket, $35/double incl entry & 2 food tickets. Reg online www.rideforthesoul.com, Hi/Lo game, food, 50/50, music. Brandy Gunter, kodanstephy86@gmail.com or 803-729-9717
MAR 22-23 `54TH ANNUAL CHARLOTTE CBA SAW MEET & BIKE SHOW Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. 10am-6pm, bike show w/ $1,000 in people’s choice awards, swap meet, live music, food, vendors, wet t-shirt contest, beard contest, cannon fire. www.charlottecba.org, Rick Nail, 704-455-6245, Emily Cook, 704-200-8144
MAR 29 BRANDON’S 9TH HEARTIVERSARY BASH Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12-6pm, live music, food & refreshments. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
MAR 29 MIKE’S 8TH ANNUAL COWBOY CHILI CHALLENGE Sons Of The South Saloon, 3007 1st Ave. SW., Hickory, NC. Pre-reg requir
MAR 29 1ST ANNUAL FOX TROT RIDE Dearing Automotive 2001 N. William St. Goldsboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am. $20/rider, $10/passenger. Food, silent auction. Benefits Veteran’s Residential Services of Wilson. Reaper 941-737-9955. Hometownheroesnc1@outlook.com
MAR 29 MIKE WHITE’S POKER RUN Southern Maid Donuts, 101 Capital Trace, Elizabeth City, NC. 9-11am, last bike out at 11:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Rain date: 04/05. Best hand, 50/50, silent auction, DJ. Proceeds go to help Mike in his battle with cancer.
APR 5 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD ANNUAL JAMI’S WINGS (MORROW MOUNTAIN RIDE) Angier Clock Tower, 55 N. Broad St., West Angier, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $15/minimum donation. Arlene Mabry, 919-422-7234
APR 5 THE SANDHILLS BIKE BLESSING XIII Freedom Biker Church, 455 Rock Hill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, bike blessings, food, door prizes, music, vendors, event tee, grand prize getaway. www.freedombikerchurchfayetteville.com
APR 5 CVMA CH 34-1 ANNUAL SPRING RIDE Beavers Den, 3482 John G Richards Rd., Liberty Hill, SC. Reg 9:30am, first bike out 10:40am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Beer, music, vendors, 50/50. Proceeds go to help Veterans in Midlands. Big House, 253-459-3661, Hound Dog, 803-924-9997, Dilly Dilly, 315-777-7772
APR 10 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
APR 12 HELPING US HELP RIDE-N-RALLY Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St, NE Hickory, NC. 9-10:30am, $20/single, $25/double, camping, live music, bike show & games, food trucks, vendors, raffles, prizes. Ivan West, 704-957-1157 or Homie, 828-217-4218
APR 12 FROG LEVEL MOTORCYCLE RUN 8520 County Home Rd., Ayden, NC. $10/incl camping, games & music. Food on Sat., Chopper Challenge Run/$40 incl shirt & gate fee, prizes. Chase truck provided. Contact @swampcritter420 on IG.
APR 17 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
APR 19 CVMA NC CH 15-3 1st ANNUAL QUEEN ANNE’S REVENGE LIGHTHOUSE POKER RUN Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Reg 8am, first bike out 10am, $20/single, $20/passenger, free patch to riders, best & worst hand, 50/50, raffle. Benefits local Veterans. FMI, Curt Rambler Cox, 757-335-3696, www.cvma15-3.org
APR 19 5TH ANNUAL JERRY WAYNE LAIL VETERANS POKER RUN Newton Elks Lodge, 625 West J St., Newton, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Rain date: 04/26. Raffles, food, 50/50. Sarah, 828-320-1503
APR 19-27 23RD ANNUAL OUTER BANKS BIKE WEEK Outer Banks H-D, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Guided rides, demo rides, bikini models, live music, vendors, Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine bike show. www.outerbanksbikeweek.com, www.outerbankshd.com, 252-338-8866
APR 25-26 A1 CYCLES CASH DAYS 3 DRAG RACE Shady Side Dragway, 2149 Honey Haven Farm Rd., Shelby, NC. $20/gate, $25,000 in payouts, for official class rules, www.facebook.com/a1cyclesnet, 561-603-6671
APR 25-27 EAST COAST BOOTY RUN Mariner Inn & Suites, 1801 N Virginia Dare Trail, Kill Devil Hills, NC. Fri: parking lot pre-party. Sat: ride with lunch after. Sun: breakfast, check out. Call 252-441-2021 to reserve your room, use discount code Booty Run. www.leftlanesyndicate.com
APR 26 KIDS PATH BIKE & CAR SHOW Cadillac Ranch, 6330 David Moore Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 8am, $20/bike & car show, $10/general admission, rain date: 04/27. Live music, 50/50, vendors, food trucks & more. Benefits Kids Path of AuthoraCare. Birddog, 336-260-1685, Jamie 336-213-2684, Allison Allison@samswishfund.org
APR 26 BLESSING OF THE BIKES Full Throttle Biker Church 911 US 74 Bus. Bostic, NC. 11am-?. Live music, bike games, food trucks, fellowship. Mike Gettys 828-289-1944.
APR 26 5TH ANNUAL JOCO ANGELS RIDE 4 RECOVERY Freedom Biker Church, 690 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, 50/50, door prizes, t-shirts, food, music, silent auction, vendors. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-868-3697 or 919-550-3733
APR 26 2ND ANNUAL ATP POKER RUN The Barn, 8800 Collins Rd., Fort Mill, SC. Check in 9am, KSU 10am, $25/single, $30/double. Food, best & lowest hand prizes. Benefits All things Possible Medical Fundraising. Mikesextonnc@gmail.com
APR 26 CVMA SC 34-2 8TH ANNUAL BENEFIT RIDE Greenville Harley-Davidson, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 9:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger.
APR 26 ALL THINGS POSSIBLE POKER RUN The Barn 8800 Collins Rd. Indian Land, SC. Reg $25/biker, $30/2 up. 9am, KSU 10am, Lunch, prizes. Proceeds for wheelchair-access vans. Mike Sexton 803-448-9177.
MAY 3 RIDE FOR A CHILD Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 8:30am, $20/rider, $25/with passenger, $30/vehicles. Food Trucks, vendors, live music. Benefits Seeds of Hope. Hosted by: Infidels MC, rideforachild@gmail.com
MAY 3 BUFFALO SOLDIERS MC 15TH ANNUAL PONY EXPRESS CHARITY RIDE & PARTY Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am. $20/bike. Police escorted ride, door prizes, cash prizes, DJ, food. Benefits community charities. 910-303-1183
MAY 3 EMERALD ISLE POKER RUN Gaffer’s, 9106-A Coast Guard Rd., Emerald Isle, NC. Reg 10:30am, $10/hand, $25/3 hands. Live music, 50/50, pig pickin’. Benefits Emerald Isle Fire & EMS. FMI, 919-210-8688 or 252-772-3090
MAY 3 19TH INTERNATIONAL FEMALE RIDE DAY Freedom Biker Church 669 Tarheel Rd, Benson NC. Ride, lunch & return. Christy@FreedomBikerChurch.com 919-868-3697
MAY 3 BIKE, CAR, TRUCK, TRACTOR SHOW Wilson Fair Grounds 2331-1 US 301, Wilson, NC. Reg $20 9-10am, awards 1pm. 50/50, door prizes, food. Spons by ALR Post 13. Barry Wood 252-218-1022.
MAY 3 14TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR ABILITY BEYOND BARRIERS 250 Victory Ln. Conway, SC. Reg 8:30-9:55am. $20/rider, $10/passenger inc food. Police escorted ride, food, music, silent auction, raffles, prizes. www.abbsc.org Yvonne 843-907-4392
MAY 8 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
MAY 15 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
MAY 25 25TH ANNUAL SMOKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER MEMORIAL RIDE Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave., Sevierville, TN. Opening ceremony @10am, KSU 11am, free ride. FMI, Ron Giddis, 865-453-6532 or 865-654-1851. www.smokymountainthunder.net
MAY 26 6TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY RIDE TO REMEMBER Thompson Park, 1129 East 3rd St., Charlotte, NC. Reg 7am, KSU 9am, free ride, donations accepted for patches/pins. Free food, wreath presentations, shirts avail. Dedicated to Deebo. ncridetoremember@gmail.com
JUN 7 8TH ANNUAL HEAL THE BURN CHARITY RIDE First National Bank, 1750 Durham Rd., Roxboro, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $25/bike, $15/passenger incl lunch, shirts available while supplies last. Pre-reg avail. Benefits The Firefighter’s Burned Children Fund of Person Co. nc22@redknightsmc.com
JUN 12 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
JUN 19 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
JUN 21 THUNDER ROAD H-D DYNO DAY & RICK DOSS BIKE SHOW 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. Dyno shootout reg, 8:30am, first run 9am, awards 4:30pm. Bike show reg 10am, judging 12pm, awards 4:30pm. www.thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
JUL 10 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
JUL 17 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
AUG 7 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
AUG 14 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
SEP 11 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 828-228-0189
SEP 18 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, live music, food & drinks avail., vendors, best bike comp. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
OCT 11 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE CO 6TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12-6pm, live music, food & drinks avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
OCT 25 TOUR-PAK OR TREAT Two locations, Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old w. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. & Hickory location at 1814 US Hwy 70 SW, Hickory, NC. Contest & prizes. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399, 828-228-0189
NOV 8 3RD ANNUAL VETERANS DAY OF HONOR & WHOLE HOG COOK-OFF Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 9am-3pm, Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-868-3697
NOV 15 TITS & TACOS Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12pm, live music, food & beverages avail. Benefits Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
DEC 13 BUB’S RIDE OPERATION TOY SOLDIER Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. Live music, food & drinks avail., Benefits the children of Iredell & Rowan Co. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
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